principles of information security

Principles Of Information Security

What are the three principles of information security? Knowing so is vital. So, we can protect ourselves from bad persons in infosec.

Read on to learn more.

What Is Information Security?

To put it simply, information security protects information. So, those who are not allowed cannot access it.

But, how does that work?

InfoSec has security experts. And they study how to do that.

First, they learn what the threats are. Then, they examine what information at risk.

They also see which parts of the company are important. But, why is that so?

Because criminals try to get hold of those important parts. So, they can threaten companies.

And without these parts, companies will not function. These include their private data, apps, and systems.

InfoSec experts also apply settings. So, they can lessen some risks.

But, why do companies need to apply infosec?

For one thing, most people use computers now. And companies do the same, too.

So, it should be secured. Or else, hackers can enter without permission.

Also, secured information means a good thing for them. They can give the best products and services.

Besides, companies need to have security controls. But not just any controls.

It should also be based on the three principles of information security. But, what are these?

Three Principles of Information Security

The principles of information security is also known as the CIA triad. And it is known to protect information.

So, how can it help companies?

With the CIA triad, they can identify the problems. So, they can fix them immediately.

In this article, we will talk about the following principles:

  1. Confidentiality
  2. Integrity
  3. Availability

Three Principles of Information Security Explained


What does confidentiality mean?

In simple terms, it means keeping something in secret. Also, not all people should know about it.

So, how can companies do this? It needs two things:

  1. Give access only to those allowed.
  2. Do not give access to those who are not allowed.

Simple, right? To help us understand more, let’s consider an example.

Information like names, birthdays, and addresses may not be that confidential. But, bad people can use it to steal an identity.

So, not everyone in the company should know about this information. Only those in the HR department.


Next, what is integrity?

It simply means the correctness of the information. So, it should not be false or changed.

Then, how can companies apply this? Still, it has two areas:

  1. Prevent changing of data.
  2. Make sure the data is correct and reliable.

For example, a bank should always keep information correct. Like their clients’ information and account balances.

So, they should not change balances to something big. Or reduce it with bad motives.


Our last principle is availability. But, what is it?

Availability keeps the information available when needed. So, it can function well.

Also, companies can do these in two ways:

  1. Give timely access to allowed users.
  2. Run networks 24/7.

To help them do this, they can apply the following:

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