Information Security PDF

Information Security PDF: Your Ultimate Guide For 2021

Know what Information Security PDF is all about. Learn best practices and principles in keeping your InfoSec’s optimum state.

Know More About Information Security PDF

Information Security or InfoSec is the set of practices employed to keep a company’s information secure. Most especially from any breach or unauthorized access or modification. This also applies in the manner of handling, storing, and transferring data.

In this digital era, keeping information secure has been highly regarded. Because more malicious attacks are launched each day. Cyberattacks always headline the business news. Thus making it a priority in businesses.

The CIA Trial Principle

When it comes to information security pdf, the CIA triad is something you should not miss. These three principles guide the whole ISO 27000 series. These are namely, confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Let’s take a look at these three in detail.


The confidentiality principle governs the whole CIA triad. When we hear the word security, we know confidentiality should be there. Information becomes confidential when you block any unauthorized access. Also, the information should be kept confidential when it is highly sensitive. For example, it contains personally identifiable information. Disclosure of this type of data can cause privacy hazards to its owner. 

So how can you ensure confidentiality to your company’s information security?

  • First, know the type of information you have.
  • Second, see and assess its storage and handling procedures.
  • Next, employ measures that will block any malicious attempts of access. For example, you can employ passwords and encryption. 
  • Also, employ security measures against penetration attacks.


Integrity, on the other hand, refers to keeping the information’s correct state. It means that it should not be modified without consent. In addition, the confidentiality principle also impacts data integrity. Keeping information confidential is a way of keeping the data’s correct state. After all, data cannot be modified without any access.

So how can you ensure data integrity?

  • Employing checksums is helpful in verifying the information’s integrity state.
  • Version control software should also help you upkeep with your software’s updates.
  • A regular backup procedure can also mitigate the permanent loss of data, for instance.

Moreover, legally, you should be able to prove your data’s integrity. So integrity on information should also take non-repudiation in context. This is essential in upkeeping with regulatory demands.


Availability is the closest principle of confidentiality. While confidentiality works by keeping away any unauthorized access. Data Availability then refers to making data available to those who should have access.

What is included in data availability?

  • Ensure to match network and computing resources. For example, in the volume of data, you intend.
  • It also includes a good backup strategy. Disaster recovery is another security concern a company should give regard to. And data availability highly relates to this. For instance, data should be available even after an incident of a disaster. By doing so, the company can prevent prolonged downtime. Thus encourage business continuity even amidst unforeseen events.

Along with your information security practices should be an Information Security Policy. This set of rules will guide the whole company to obey and implement infosec standards.

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